MakeMyMove - Noblesville

I have always been fascinated with why people choose to live where they do. The world is a massive place and yet we tend to stay in one location for the bulk of our lives. But why?

Earlier today I had the opportunity to dig into my brain and try to unpack my reasons. I was asked to do an on-camera interview for this great company that helps towns like Noblesville attract remote workers, called MakeMyMove. They put together incentive packages and market to folks that are looking for a place to relocate. Pretty clever, really.

For me, it starts with family. Hamilton County has been voted for many years in a row as one of the best places to raise a family in the entire United States. Great schools, an awesome standard of living, effective government, low crime, low unemployment, and all the amenities you'd expect in a suburban lifestyle. Things like: Top Golf, Ikea, Torchy's Tacos, an Apple Store, Shake Shack, Costco and more.

Indianapolis is 20 minutes away and has a world-class international airport, the top Children's Museum in the US, an amazing Zoo, some of the best steakhouses in the country, and GenCon!

It's pretty easy to look around and feel like you've got it all. We do, really. But for me it's that mix of small town charm with big city amenities. We have access to all of the great things I listed above, but my dogs can run free in our yard, we are minutes from an awesome lake, we have ample bike paths and parks, our church community is really strong, and my parents are only 20 minutes away.

Noblesville is home to me and my family. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. And I couldn't be more proud to tell others about the place I'm from.

Come see us on the town square. It's worth the trip. And if you're looking for a new place to live, check out MakeMyMove.
