One of my favorite memories of my grandpa Ralph is that he would always bring the family together for birthdays, and we would go around the room saying something nice about the birthday person. It encouraged each of us to find ways to shower that individual with unique praise. And when it was your were made to feel like a million bucks. Dozens of people saying nice things about you. You'd leave the party feeling like you were truly special.
As a local game store, we are a family business. Some of us are literally family, but all of us work, act and feel like family. We are a small, deeply committed group that does life together. Our focus is serving the customers at Moonshot...but we all lean in when times are tough and celebrate each others victories when times are good.
So, in light of grandpa Ralph, I thought I would begin to blog about members of our Moonshot Family for their birthdays. It's a small way I can shine a more public light on these amazing people. And to kick this off, I'll start with my beloved daughter Ruby.
Ruby turned 9 on July 23. We spent the weekend celebrating her with sleepovers, a friend party, a family party and lots of food and presents.
Ruby is the light of our life. She is smart, thoughtful, crafty, honest, and creative. She can run Moonshot Toys by herself (you may see her in there some weekends), and has enough sass to fill a room. She's quick-witted, clever, and acts more like a 14 year old than a 9 year old (in mostly good ways). Lately, she's been obsessed with Pokemon. As a big sister she encourages her little brother and is always either teaching him or pestering him. She loves her dogs (Luke, Leia, and Evey), and when she grows up she wants to 1) be an actress and 2) run Moonshot.
Ruby asked for all things "Eeveelutions" for her birthday. Because of RealBreakingNate (actually Marie), she has developed a love for Pokemon. More specifically, she loves Eevee. So, naturally for her birthday she only asked for Eevee presents. She got Eevee shoes, a Sylveon onesie, Eevee cards, an Eevee pillow, and the Radiant Eevee Collection.
Happy Birthday Ruby. You are a joy to all of those around you.