This PREORDER product is not yet available. It has an anticipated release date of Mid 2025.
*With pre-ordered products, we recommend each order contain only a single preorder product(sku), and no other products, preorder or otherwise. This ensures the preorder will be shipped when it becomes available and does not hold up any other items you may have ordered. All preorder images, contents and release date are subject to change.
In this 2-6 player bluffing game, players have hidden information about which casinos are corrupt. Take turns playing money tiles (two 2’s, two 4’s, one 5, one six, one seven) into the different casinos.
When scoring a corrupt casino, the highest bidder wins the jackpot (and everyone else gets nothing). In a non-corrupt casino, whoever has the most points there LOSES, and everyone else gets points equal to their bid.
Players can’t place more than two tokens at a casino, and can’t place their highest token at the casino they know is corrupt.
20 unique casino power cards change up the formula every game. Take a gamble to win big!