The Avengers #83
1st Appearance of Lady Liberators
"Avengers #83," released in December 1970, is a notable issue in the series, primarily due to its focus on female superheroes and its reflection of the women's liberation movement that was prominent during that time. Written by Roy Thomas with artwork by John Buscema, this issue is titled "Come On In, the Revolution's Fine!" and marks a significant moment in Marvel's history where social issues began to intersect more prominently with superhero narratives.
In this issue, the Valkyrie makes her first appearance. However, this character is not the Asgardian warrior many fans would be familiar with from later comics or the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Instead, she is revealed to be the Enchantress in disguise, manipulating other female heroes and villains into forming the Lady Liberators, a group that she uses as a tool to challenge and defeat the male Avengers under the guise of promoting female empowerment.
The Lady Liberators include powerful characters such as the Wasp, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, and Medusa. While the Enchantress' motives are ultimately self-serving and manipulative, the issue touches on themes of gender equality and the need for recognition of women's contributions, both in society and within the superhero community. This comic reflects the growing consciousness around gender issues during the early 1970s and serves as an interesting, albeit somewhat controversial, artifact of its time.
John Buscema's artwork effectively captures the action and the dynamic between the characters, showcasing a range of emotions and conflicts as the story unfolds. His style complements the narrative’s exploration of these themes, providing visually engaging scenes that enhance the story's impact.
Despite the manipulative twist with Valkyrie's character, "Avengers #83" is an important issue that attempted to engage with contemporary social issues through the lens of superhero fiction. It's a reflective piece on how comic books can be used as a medium to discuss and propagate societal changes and challenges.