We are actively updating our Magic singles system and have temporarily removed all Magic singles from the site. They will be back with grades and additional features. Stay tuned for further updates. If you have specific card needs please email them to cards@moonshotgamestore.com.
Christmas is one of Eric’s favorite times of year where the magic he sees in his paintings come to life in good will and generosity of all men. Charles Dicken’s helped Scrooge and each of us to see the joy that comes in giving and blessing lives of those that may not have as much as another. The Spirit of Christmas unites us all with simple acts of kindness no matter what we have, because we all have something to share. Christmas carolers bring delight to our hearts and minds of long loved carols, and special Father Christmases and Santas of every kind travel far and wide bringing joy to every girl & boy. Find the many symbols of Christmas that Eric has included in this new piece to bring to our hearts the story of that first Christmas celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.