Marvel Comics Presents #72
1st Weapon X story
"Marvel Comics Presents #72," released in March 1991, marks the beginning of the iconic "Weapon X" storyline, a pivotal chapter in the history of Wolverine. This story is written and illustrated by Barry Windsor-Smith, who is renowned for his detailed and atmospheric artwork that perfectly complements the dark and gritty tone of the narrative.
The "Weapon X" storyline delves into the mysterious and traumatic past of Wolverine, revealing details about how he came to possess his adamantium skeleton and claws. It is set within a secretive government facility where Logan is subjected to numerous experiments that both enhance and manipulate his natural abilities, including the bonding of the nearly indestructible metal alloy, adamantium, to his skeleton.
Issue #72 begins the harrowing tale of Logan’s capture and transformation into Weapon X, exploring themes of dehumanization and loss of self. The story is presented through a series of fragmented scenes that mirror Wolverine’s own disjointed memories and the traumatic nature of his experiences. Windsor-Smith’s artwork is crucial in conveying the intensity and horror of these experiments, with a focus on mechanical detail and the visceral portrayal of Logan’s suffering.
"Marvel Comics Presents #72" is critically acclaimed not only for its storytelling and artwork but also for adding depth to Wolverine’s character by exploring his vulnerabilities and resilience. This narrative arc is often considered a cornerstone in Wolverine lore, essential for understanding the complexities of one of Marvel's most beloved characters.
The series continues over several issues, providing a detailed account of the Weapon X project and its impact on Wolverine, making it a must-read for fans and a key story in the Marvel Comics universe.