We are actively updating our Magic singles system and have temporarily removed all Magic singles from the site. They will be back with grades and additional features. Stay tuned for further updates. If you have specific card needs please email them to cards@moonshotgamestore.com.
In Magna Roma: Dominus, players will be fighting for control of the European and North African territories. To do this, players will be able to either use the military symbols combination or the prestige symbol combination.
Players will do this until the end of the game, and the player with the majority of armies in a territory will win first place in that territory and score most for whatever the condition is in that territory. We should also note that this board replaces the military board in the base game.
In Portus, your neighborhoods will be able to craft goods that you can then export from your port!
Once you think you have enough goods for export, you can simply turn over those goods to the supply and score prestige depending on what types of goods you have exported! Sometimes, some goods will cost you population, so you need to plan carefully for such occasion.
NOTE: This is not a standalone game. A copy of Magna Roma is required in order to use this expansion.