January 6th-9th closed for staff retreat, Noblesville location will open at 3pm on Friday the 10th & Plainville location will open at 11am. Also, we are actively updating our Magic singles system and have temporarily removed all Magic singles from the site. They will be back with grades and additional features. Stay tuned for further updates. If you have specific card needs please email them to cards@moonshotgamestore.com.
A child can get their first glimpse into the world of Dungeons & Dragons, even as they learn the alphabet, a precursor to every new path in reading.
A is for Adventure. Our journey has begun. B is for Book, the source of all the fun!
Start your little gamer on an adventure to last a lifetime with this alphabetical children’s book and introduction to the greatest roleplaying game of all time, Dungeons & Dragons.
Written in the rhyming style of classic children’s books and filled with adorable owlbears and darling beholders, it’s the perfect book to share the joy of Dungeons & Dragons with a new generation as they learn the alphabet—a precursor to every new path in reading.