The Avengers #195
"Avengers #195," released in May 1980, is a noteworthy issue that serves as a prelude to a significant storyline involving the introduction of Taskmaster. Written by David Michelinie with artwork by George Pérez and inking by Jack Abel, this issue sets the stage for the full reveal of Taskmaster in the next issue.
In this issue, titled "Assault on a Mind Cage," the plot begins to unfold with a mysterious scenario at Solomon Institute for the Criminally Insane. The Avengers, particularly Wasp and Yellowjacket, investigate suspicious activities at the institute. During their investigation, they encounter strange behavior and hints of a larger conspiracy at play, involving the manipulation and training of super-powered individuals.
The story gradually leads to the introduction of Taskmaster, a character who possesses the ability to mimic the physical movements of anyone he observes, making him a formidable opponent. He runs a school for training villains in combat techniques he has observed from various superheroes, using it as a base for criminal activities.
George Pérez's artwork is particularly effective in this issue, capturing the suspense and action with his detailed and dynamic style. His ability to depict complex scenes and character expressions enhances the storytelling, contributing to the buildup of tension throughout the issue.
"Avengers #195" is essential for its setup of the Taskmaster storyline, adding depth to the Avengers series with a blend of mystery and action. This issue is remembered for its engaging plot and as a precursor to the more detailed exploration of Taskmaster, who would go on to become a significant figure in the Marvel Universe.