Fantastic Four #244
"Fantastic Four #244," released in 1983, is a significant issue in the Fantastic Four series by Marvel Comics, titled "If This Be... Paradise?" The issue is written and drawn by the legendary John Byrne, who is known for his influential work during this era of the Fantastic Four.
In this issue, the story focuses on the transformation of Frankie Raye into the new herald of Galactus, the cosmic entity known for consuming planets. Frankie Raye, who had been a supporting character with a mysterious past and hidden powers, fully embraces her destiny in this dramatic narrative. She becomes Nova, endowed with the power of cosmic fire, and takes on the role previously held by the Silver Surfer.
The story explores themes of sacrifice and destiny as Frankie struggles with the decision to leave Earth and her life behind to serve Galactus. Her transformation is both a physical and emotional journey, highlighting her bravery and the weight of her new responsibilities.
Byrne's artwork in this issue is particularly notable for its depiction of cosmic energy and dramatic transformations. The visual storytelling complements the epic scale of the narrative, filled with cosmic landscapes and powerful displays of energy.
"Fantastic Four #244" is not only a pivotal issue for the character of Frankie Raye but also for the Fantastic Four themselves, as they deal with the departure of a friend and the broader implications of her new role in the universe. This issue is remembered for its deep emotional impact and its contribution to the expansive mythology of the Fantastic Four.