"Creatures on the Loose #10," released in March 1971, is a notable issue from Marvel Comics, primarily because it marks the first comic book appearance of King Kull, a character created by Robert E. Howard, who is also known for creating Conan the Barbarian. This issue features the adaptation of Howard's Kull, bringing the sword and sorcery hero into the realm of comics.
The issue contains the story titled "The Skull of Silence," which is an adaptation of Howard's work. Kull is depicted as a warrior king of the ancient land of Valusia, part of Howard’s prehistoric fantasy world known as the Thurian Age. The stories of Kull are noted for their dark themes and philosophical depth, somewhat akin to the Conan stories but with a more brooding and introspective protagonist.
In this particular comic, Kull faces supernatural challenges and existential threats that are typical of Howard's writing. The story involves Kull's encounter with the titular Skull of Silence, a mystical artifact that brings both great power and grave danger to those who come into contact with it. The narrative explores themes of power, destiny, and the supernatural, all set against the backdrop of Kull’s harsh and ancient world.
The artwork in "Creatures on the Loose #10" captures the rugged and mythic quality of Kull’s universe, with dynamic and dramatic illustrations that complement the story’s moody and intense tone.
This issue is significant not only for fans of Robert E. Howard's work but also for collectors and enthusiasts of classic sword and sorcery comics, marking an important point where Kull the Conqueror transitioned from literary figure to a character in the Marvel Comics universe.