"Conan the Barbarian #2," released in 1970 by Marvel Comics, continues the adventures of the iconic character created by Robert E. Howard. Written by Roy Thomas and illustrated by Barry Windsor-Smith, this issue is titled "Lair of the Beast-Men," and it follows Conan's journey through a mysterious and perilous frozen landscape.
In this issue, Conan finds himself captured and enslaved by a grotesque race of beast-men in the icy regions he is traversing. These beast-men are savage creatures that combine human cunning with animalistic brutality. The story dives into Conan's struggle for survival and his determination to regain his freedom. Using his wits and formidable combat skills, Conan fights against the odds to overthrow his captors.
The narrative showcases Conan's raw physical prowess and his indomitable spirit, elements that are central to his character throughout the series. "Lair of the Beast-Men" is also significant for its exploration of themes such as barbarism versus civilization, a recurring motif in Conan stories.
The artwork by Windsor-Smith vividly brings to life the harsh, cold environment and the feral nature of the beast-men, enhancing the dark and gritty tone of the story. "Conan the Barbarian #2" is a classic example of sword and sorcery comics, offering an engaging blend of action, adventure, and fantasy that has captivated readers since its release.