Captain Marvel #8
"Captain Marvel #8," released in July 2019, is part of the "Captain Marvel" series written by Kelly Thompson. This issue features the Carnage-ized variant cover by In-Hyuk Lee, released as part of a special event to coincide with Marvel's "Absolute Carnage" crossover event. These Carnage-ized variants across various titles showcase different Marvel characters in a style influenced by the iconic symbiote villain Carnage, known for its connection to Spider-Man lore.
The issue itself is significant for introducing a new character, Star, who rapidly becomes an important figure in the Captain Marvel narrative. In this storyline, Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) is dealing with the repercussions of her newly public identity and the complexities it brings into her life as both a superhero and a public figure.
The narrative explores themes of fame, responsibility, and trust, as Captain Marvel faces challenges from both the public and from new superpowered individuals. Star emerges as a mysterious new hero with incredible powers, drawing both the interest and suspicion of Captain Marvel and other characters in the Marvel Universe.
In-Hyuk Lee's Carnage-ized variant cover creatively blends elements of Captain Marvel's design with the sinister aesthetic characteristic of Carnage, presenting a visually striking and thematically relevant piece that ties into the broader "Absolute Carnage" event. This cover is a collector's item for fans, especially those interested in the unique artistic crossovers between different characters and themes within the Marvel Universe.
Kelly Thompson's writing and Carmen Carnero's interior art work together to expand Captain Marvel's story, introducing new elements and characters that deepen the ongoing saga and challenge Carol Danvers in new ways. This issue, particularly with its variant cover, stands out as a noteworthy entry in the series, both for its narrative content and its part in a larger Marvel event.