Batman #686
(Near Mint)
"Batman #686," titled "Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader?" is a two-part storyline written by Neil Gaiman with art by Andy Kubert. Released in February 2009, this story serves as a retrospective and homage to the many incarnations of Batman throughout the years, framing it as a sort of farewell to the character's past.
The narrative is structured around a wake held for Batman, with various allies and enemies attending. Each character shares their own unique story about Batman, revealing different aspects of his personality and heroism. These tales range from the fantastical to the gritty, reflecting the diverse interpretations of Batman across different eras and media.
The issue is filled with references and nods to the long history of Batman in comics, making it a treasure trove for longtime fans. The storytelling technique used by Gaiman allows for a celebration of Batman's legacy, exploring the core themes and values that have defined him over the decades.
Andy Kubert’s artwork complements Gaiman's narrative beautifully, capturing the Gothic, mysterious essence of Gotham and its denizens. The visual style shifts subtly to match the tones of the different stories being told, enhancing the reflective and poignant mood of the comic.
"Batman #686" is not just a comic; it's a tribute to one of the most enduring and beloved characters in the superhero genre, offering a thoughtful examination of what Batman means and has meant to people over the years.