Jayson & Amanda Manship with Ruby and Simon

Welcome all! My name is Jayson Manship and I'm the founder and owner of Moonshot Games, Toys & Collectibles.

I started this company with a vision to connect people. I was annoyed at the negativity on social media and the heavy preference on screen time for kids (mine included). I wanted to "do my part" to right the wrongs I could see in the world...so my wife and I launched Moonshot. We rented a space in Downtown Noblesville with the goal of bringing people together around a dinner table to play games and enjoy human interaction.

This was in 2018.

Then Covid reared its terrible, no-good, very bad, ugly head. The world shut down. People got stuck at home. Folks actually got to the end of their Netflix watchlist. And puzzles and board games boomed!

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life families had forgotten how much fun they had playing games like Catan or Ticket to Ride. And as bad as Covid was for the entire world it brought many families closer together. Board games became a part of daily life. It was a resurgence for our industry and one that has continued to the present day. It turns out when the world forces you to slow down (literally) you can do the things you always meant to do. For my family, and many like ours, that meant more time working together to solve a puzzle or competing to win a camel race.

We're grateful you're here and personally want to thank you for shopping with Moonshot. This passion project has turned into a serious business and for that we're grateful. I hope to use this platform to share updates about the company, the industry, the communities we serve, and more.

