Hit Monkey #1
(Near Mint)
"Hit-Monkey #1," released in 2010 by Marvel Comics, introduces a unique and unlikely character in the Marvel Universe: a Japanese macaque known as Hit-Monkey. Created by writer Daniel Way and artist Dalibor Talajic, this comic presents a distinctive blend of dark comedy and action.
The story begins with a tale of tragedy and vengeance. A macaque tribe finds and nurses a wounded assassin back to health in the snowy mountains of Japan. The assassin, seeking refuge and recovery, inadvertently exposes the monkeys to his world of violence and gunplay. Hit-Monkey, observing from the sidelines, learns the ways of an assassin and becomes proficient in martial arts and firearms.
Tragically, the tribe is wiped out due to the assassin's past catching up with him, leaving Hit-Monkey as the sole survivor. Driven by a thirst for vengeance and a sense of justice, Hit-Monkey sets out to eliminate those responsible, embarking on a bloody path that targets the underworld’s most dangerous figures.
The concept of a monkey assassin might seem absurd, but the execution in the comic is surprisingly effective, offering a serious narrative with occasional bursts of dark humor. Dalibor Talajic's artwork complements the tone perfectly, delivering both the grim aspects of the story and its absurdity without diminishing the character’s legitimacy.
"Hit-Monkey #1" sets up an intriguing premise that explores themes of revenge and justice through a uniquely non-human protagonist, making it a standout story in the world of comics. This character has since garnered a cult following, distinguishing himself within the vast array of Marvel characters.