"Hawkeye #2," released in October 2012 as part of the critically acclaimed series written by Matt Fraction and illustrated by David Aja, features the first team-up of Clint Barton and Kate Bishop, both of whom share the Hawkeye moniker. This issue is significant as it sets the foundation for the dynamic partnership and mentorship between the two characters, which has become one of the most beloved aspects of the modern Hawkeye mythos.
The series itself is known for its grounded portrayal of Clint Barton, focusing on his life outside of his duties with the Avengers. Kate Bishop, introduced earlier in the Young Avengers series, is portrayed as a young, skilled archer who looks up to Clint but also brings her own unique personality and approach to the role of Hawkeye.
In "Hawkeye #2," Clint and Kate's relationship is explored in depth as they work together to tackle street-level crime in New York City. The story delves into their interactions, highlighting their banter, mutual respect, and the emerging mentor-student relationship. Kate's presence brings a new energy to Clint's world, helping to redefine his mission and approach to being a hero without superpowers.
David Aja's artwork in this issue is notable for its minimalist style, which effectively captures the essence of the characters and the urban environment they operate in. The visual storytelling is paired with sharp, witty dialogue by Matt Fraction, making the comic both visually and narratively engaging.
"Hawkeye #2" is celebrated not only for its introduction of Kate Bishop alongside Clint Barton but also for its contribution to the broader narrative of the Hawkeye character in the Marvel Universe. It is a key issue for fans of both Hawkeyes and is recognized for its impact on the portrayal of superhero partnerships in comics